The University of Jordan News
UJ Business Students Express Rejection for Violence through Art
The lobby of the School of Business at The University of Jordan today hosted a unique artistic and creative art exhibition entitled: “No for Violence, Yes for Societal Responsibility.” The president of the university, Prof. Ekhleif Tarawneh, joined the students in this celebration.
The exhibit showed the negative effects caused by university violence through the creation of impressive paintings expressing the students’ renunciation for this phenomenon.
Tarawneh asked for the exhibition’s pieces to be displayed at all the university’s faculties and at the Deanship of Students Affairs since it contains such pioneering ideas and reflects the university students’ high manners.
Tarawneh said in a press statement, it is fortunate that the event coincides with Al Karameh battle anniversary where the Jordanian Armed Forces made the finest and noblest sacrifices.
Trawneh also added that the exhibition which was organized by the marketing students is considered as a great initiative and conveys a strong and clear message. The message falls within the university’s preparations for the Student Union elections that will take place next Thursday.

Tarawneh invited students to invest their energies, talents and creativity in standing up against anyone who tries to harm the achievements attained by the University, which aims at reaching a prominent place among advanced universities on the local, regional and international levels.
Prof. Zu’bi Al-Zu’bi, Dean of the School of Business, praised the idea of holding this exhibition which embodies a real motive for increasing the sense of belonging to the university and an attempt to solve the university violence issue in a civilized manner. In addition to that, it reinforces the voluntary cooperative work and the students’ responsibilities towards their university.
He also expressed pride in the school’s students and their preparations to participate in the upcoming elections with high spirit believing in the importance of democracy that perpetuates teamwork and serves the university’s development.
During the exhibition and under the supervision of Eve Omaish, the musical band of the Faculty of Arts and Design played musical pieces for the most leading and international musicians, especially Beethoven, Schubert and Prafr.
Translated by Saja Bakir
Edited by Suha Alsubeihi